As you all know today we had our appointment for our 20 week ultrasound to check on our baby’s development and to try and find out the gender! So with out further or do, I would like to introduce you to our baby boy, Addison Charles!!!
Categories: Photo Galleries, Ultrasound Photos
Via Email: I was just about to email you. Yeah, that is very exciting news. I was wrong with my guess though
So little Addison… I’ll have to stop looking at girly things and start looking for boys things.
Via Text Message: Congrats Lissy, I’m sure he will be a perfect addition 2 ur lil family. Take care, Bindy.
Via Text Message: So excited for you both. Congratulations! And What a beautiful name. Thank you for including me in your wonderful news. xoxo Lisa.
Via Text Message: Omg, congrats hunny
u have chosen a beautiful name.
Via Text Message: Ooooo how xciting.
Via Text Message: Ooo, a beautiful little boy! And such a gorgeous name, I love it! I know it’s not quite the news u wanted, but he will be so beautiful & enrich ur life in ways u can’t imagine. At least now u can buy specific colours. Hope ur happy sweetie! Take care x
Via Facebook: Yay, that’s awesome news! Although I must admit that I thought it would be a girl for sure…ah well, proved me wrong.
wow… congrats so much! A bouncing baby boy!
Via Facebook: Yey!!! A boy!!! Little boys are awesome
Via Facebook: Wow! Congrats to you and husband!
Via Facebook: Congrats Mel. You’ll have fun with him when he’s born. We do. Ours loves it every time he sees us. He’ll grow up and take after you or Charles.