It will be Daddy’s 28th birthday on Tuesday, so this weekend we decided to head to the park for a BBQ lunch to celebrate. Addi and I went out yesterday to buy him lots of things he loves to eat such as Anzac cookies and lamingtons. Nanny and Poppy were also coming to join us for the day.
Once I had packed everything up and prepared what we needed for the lunch we jumped in the cars and took off to the park, only to find that the BBQs were all taken (one family taking up two tables when all they needed was one!! Made me pretty cranky). So instead we looked for another park, and ended up driving all the way back home to a park just up the road from us!
It is a small park, but still very nice and quiet! After a lovely lunch Addi had a play in the play ground with Nanny and Poppy.
We have also decided to have Addison’s first birthday party at this park (we were going to have it elsewhere, but I think this will be nice and quiet, plus it is just up the road which makes it really convenient!). After we finished our lunch we headed back to the house for some birthday cake!!!