We had the tour of Pindara hospital’s maternity ward tonight as part of our antenatal class. It was great to finally see the rooms where we would stay after the birth of our babies and also the birthing rooms at the hospital.
The birthing suites were pretty much decked out with anything and everything that you would need when in labour. I found it very comforting to see where it would all take place and it made me feel much more at ease with the process.
The birthing rooms had great facilities, showers, pregnancy ball & mat, bean bags, TV and CD player, fully adjustable bed and were very spacious. I can really see that they will have everything I need to make labour as comfortable (I’m currently laughing on the inside at the words labour and comfort being used in the same sentence) as possible available to me.
Charles and I still did manage to feel very lost in the hospital, but I’m sure there will be plenty of people around on the day to direct us to exactly where we are meant to be.
Having never even stayed in hospital before it was a great feeling to actually see the rooms and get an idea of what it would be like before the big day. I feel much more relaxed about the experience and a lot less nervous about my hospital stay. Funny how most expecting mums would be more worried about labour, but for me it is the unknown of the hospital stay that makes me nervous.
Tonight’s antenatal class also covered nappy changing, which was both fun and interesting to see all the men have a go. Plus we were shown swaddling and discussed settling our babies, and SIDS. We also talked about how a baby was going to impact on our lives and schedules. It was certainly an enjoyable class for our last one at the hospital education room!