I made it! Today I am 40 weeks pregnant and have reached my due date according to our first ultrasound (remember our due date based on my LMP is actually tomorrow 28th October 2010). However, I am still pregnant, Addison has not arrived yet so therefore the wait continues!
So far I’ve had two phone calls to check up on me, I guess everyone thinks that Addi is going to arrive today. But we have to remember that less than 5% of babies are actually born on their due date, so the likely hood of it happening for us is very slim!
I’ve been very impatient this week waiting for his arrival, but at least I have some guarantee that by this time next week I will be a mummy and holding my baby in my arms!
Labour will be induced next Tuesday night if he hasn’t shown up by then, which there are some positives to such as I’m guaranteed that my obstetrician, Dr Bopp will be the one to deliver my little boy. I also won’t have the stress of calling and knowing when I should start heading to the hospital, as I’ll already be checked in on Tuesday night. Plus I will be home for the weekend with my baby for some daddy time :).
I have to say I am very ready to have this baby, but I don’t think he is ready to join us out here. He seems to still be sitting quite high, pushing up under my ribs which makes it very hard to breath and is very uncomfortable. He also likes to boot me in the side with his feet frequently!
There is a lot of pressure on my bladder which makes night time and my sleep very broken. It can also get quite very painful if I don’t empty my bladder frequently at night. I’ve still been having a great deal of swelling in my feet and ankles which can be painful when I have to stand for long periods of time, such as when I make dinner.
I think my body is also ready for his arrival as my breasts have started leaking! Thankfully I’m only at home and therefore have not had any embarrassing situations.
At least I’m not anxious about labour and birth!
Hi, Melissa – we’re waiting!!! I have really enjoyed reading your updates. The phone is staying nearby all the time. Love the new sheep mobile! When I see you soon you will be a Mum and I will be a Gran. Take care, Love Gran
It’s very much a waiting game at this stage!! I’m thinking that we may have to go with the Ob’s suggestion of inducing labour which will mean we are all stations go for Tuesday. But who knows, Addison might just surprise us and arrive in the meantime.
Haha yes the sheep were fun to make, despite the one little inperfection of the upside down ears on one little sheep – Charles just thought this was too funny
He’s such a tease! What am I going to do when I have both him and Addi, I guess I always have Fuzzie on my side.
It’s so exciting, really looking forward to being a mummy! Everything is about to change for all of us with this precious little boy entering the world
See you very soon, lots of love from us both!!