Today I am 37 weeks pregnant which is just incredible! My head is spinning with excitement as my pregnancy has now reached full term and I can expect the arrival of our baby boy any time now. I can’t contain my excitement that soon I will get to meet Addison.
I am now looking very, very pregnant and everyone keeps saying how big my belly is. As a matter of fact I measured my baby belly last night and I’m 104 cms at the largest point. My fundal height measurement at Monday’s appointment with the obstetrician was between 36 and 37 cms, so right on track!
I have been very tired the last couple of days despite resting throughout the day. However on the plus side I have been getting a really good nights rest finally which is helping me to make it through the day without feeling too exhausted. My doctor did warn me that around this time of pregnancy I was likely to hit a wall and start to feel very tired, I guess he was right!
If only it wasn’t so hot at the moment, but thankfully I only have a few weeks to go so my delivery won’t be in the middle of summer. The heat is still causing me some problems with swelling, particularly in my ankles and feet but nothing like what I experienced a couple weeks ago. I have started not wearing my rings just in case my fingers swell up and they get stuck.
Pregnancy is getting more uncomfortable as the days go on despite Addi having dropped down into my pelvis. He still manages to get up under my ribs and puts pressure, making it difficult to breath. But not long to go so I’m not letting it worry me, I think the excitment will over come any discomfort.