Preston really isn’t a tummy baby and for a long time as soon as you would put him on his tummy he would roll straight back. We were trying to get photos of Preston on his tummy during his Pixi photo shoot and it just wasn’t happening. Every time we tried he would roll.
However, in order to try and get him interested in crawling I decided to give him a go and see if he would stay like that. Both Addi and Preston prefer to be up on their feet, and in Addison’s case this mean that he walked just before 12 months, although only started crawling around 9 months. To try and get Preston on the move sooner I’m going to do my best to get him interested by putting him on his tummy (if he’ll let me)…and hopefully with not too many tears.
Today he really enjoyed tummy time but probably because he was being entertained by Addison.