Addison was never a thumb sucker really. From the times that I remember him doing it was when he was a little bit older and he was just doing it to be cheeky. Preston is much younger and has discovered his thumb.
I’m yet to write about what I’ve been doing to help with Preston’s sleep (I think, I hope I’m not repeating myself!) and will get to it soon, I promise! But in short, I have resorted to using a dummy as a sleep aid (hoping to swap it eventually for his taggie).
I have found that unlike Addi, Preston really wants to suck as a comfort and soothe himself. Actually, looking back at that statement, that really isn’t true! Addison also wanted to suck for a comfort (as do most babies)… but he wanted Mummy, not anything else. A thumb or dummy were not good enough for little Addi.