Due to check in at our hotel being 2pm we decided to pack ourselves a picnic lunch and stop at Lake Samsonville. After days of rain it was nice to finally be outside and enjoying some sunshine. Plus not to mention the feast of a lunch we enjoyed.
Addi got to see ducks in real life for the first time too, he was so excited. He even said “Duck-ie” when he saw them :).
Great photos Melissa – and wearing his hat at last -just like Daddi!
Looking forward to seeing you on the weekend! You will be surprised at the changes in Addi in the last month. He’s really growing up fast! I think I have managed to convince Addi that we wear shoes and hats when we play outside. This is the third (I think) time that he’s worn his hat with no fuss. The first time I made sure both Daddy and Mummy had their hats on too, just like Addi
I’ve managed to put a few more photos up, but there are still more to come from our mini holiday. I will get them up over the next few days hopefully. Love Melissa xo