This little finger of Addi’s is how he signs to Mummy and Daddy everyday to tell us what he wants. I don’t think he ever stops pointing!! This particular photo he is asking Mummy to put another episode of Shaun the Sheep on for him.
Categories: June Photo a Day
Hi, again, Addi’s mummy,
I just love these photos of Addi – one every day! I’m glad you’re playing this game because I get to see a new photo of him every day.
Tell him I love him and miss him and can’t wait to see him again.
love Gran
Glad you are enjoying them Gran
I was a little slack with last nights photo as it was taken quite late (just before Addi’s bed time) so I didn’t get a chance to upload the image until today. But so far I’m keeping up with it!! He misses you too. Looking forward to a visit soon (except for the cold Toowoomba weather!! burrrr…it’s bad enough here tonight!).
Love Addi’s Mummy tehehe