Archive for the ‘Hospital Stay’ Category

After discharge we drove to the hotel (Palazzo Versace) for the remainder of our stay. The idea of this package is that you have a little more privacy but still have help on hand where needed. You can relax and enjoy time as a family, have visitors come and go   Read More ...

Categories: Hospital Stay

It may only be a short stay in the hospital this time but we are ready for discharge and transfer to Palazzo Versace. I don’t know what to expect but I’m looking forward to it!!! Deep down I’m a little sad to be going, I’ve enjoyed three wonderful births at   Read More ...

Categories: Hospital Stay

Things certainly have changed over the years for the hearing screening test. Back when we had Addison we had to take him down a narrow hallway and they had a very temporary set up. When we had Preston they finally had a room for the baby weight checks and hearing   Read More ...

Categories: Hospital Stay

Now it’s Daddy’s turn for cuddles. I love seeing our little guy on his big Daddy, even though he’s a big baby, being on Daddy’s chest makes him look so tiny.

Categories: Hospital Stay

These first few days are ever so precious. They are the time when we get to know our little boy, but also we have one on one time without the other children to worry about. All our focus is on Jasper. This will be the only time this happens. Once   Read More ...

Categories: Hospital Stay

We decided today we would clean Jasper up and try and get some of the gunk out of his beautiful hair. He came up fairly clean but I think it’s going to take a few washes. We got him all dressed and ready to take the photos for his birth announcement   Read More ...

Categories: Hospital Stay

After our first night in hospital Nanny and Poppy had the opportunity to come and visit to meet their newest grandson Jasper. Daddy went home to stay with the boys while they visited us in the hospital. We also had our first visitors last night from good friends Becky and   Read More ...

Categories: Hospital Stay

His first day of many. Welcome to the world Jasper Sterling xo

Categories: Hospital Stay

When we arrived at the hospital we were told that unfortunately our first night wouldn’t be spent in our upgraded room as they were all full, but one would be available (this isn’t something you can pre book, you just have to hope that when you go into labour that   Read More ...

Categories: Hospital Stay

This time around it wasn’t such an ordeal to get the baby in the car! Last time we were so clueless with the silly car seat and had so much trouble getting Addison in properly. Preston was in the seat in no time and we were ready to head off.   Read More ...

Categories: Hospital Stay

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