The month of December was mostly focused on Christmas activities. We also celebrated Mummy’s birthday. Although Christmas day wasn’t that great due to sickness, the lead up to Christmas was quite enjoyable, plenty of breakup Christmas parties, seeing Santa, Christmas puzzles and craft, going to see the Christmas lights and Read More ...
November saw us celebrate Preston’s 3rd birthday so once again more cake! Addison has his school uniform fitting for next year. And we started to get into the Christmas spirit and got the tree and decorations up.
October was the start of birthday season in our house, which meant that there was plenty of party planning, birthdays, presents, cakes, new toys, face painting and celebrations. With of course plenty of crazy and silly things in between.
September was filled with more morning Jazzy selfies and mummy cuddles. The boys also had some musical fun and lots of play downstairs.
August 2015 was a busy, fun filled month. We took a road trip to Toowoomba to see Gran and Grandad. Jasper had his first haircut. It was Daddy’s birthday so we celebrated with Lego, yummy breakfast, picnic lunch and piggie in the mud cake. The boys were super hero crazy Read More ...
During July 2015 there were lots of moments of brotherly loves, peek-a-boos, helping each other and just lots of love. We updated the cubby with a new blackboard bench top and Prez has some fun playing in there with Mummy. The two big boys showed us some of their drawing Read More ...
A month filled with sleeping babies, lots of mess and teething, dressing up, playing, family time, Preston’s first day of kindy and his first time at the big movies!
I tend to take a lot more photos on my phone these days, mostly because it is just handy (and well, new!). Instead of putting individual posts for the hundreds of photos taken, I will post monthly highlights.