Today we went to visit Daddy at lunch time and as we generally do when we visit Daddy, we went to the park to eat and have a play. Playing at the park is thristy work!!
Today we went to visit Daddy at lunch time and as we generally do when we visit Daddy, we went to the park to eat and have a play. Playing at the park is thristy work!!
Addi and I were playing with his kitchen and I thought I would see if he would put his chef hat on (the first time I tried he wasn’t keep at all) and well as you can see, this time was no different. The look on his face really does show you exactly Read More ...
This little finger of Addi’s is how he signs to Mummy and Daddy everyday to tell us what he wants. I don’t think he ever stops pointing!! This particular photo he is asking Mummy to put another episode of Shaun the Sheep on for him.
A close up of Addi sampling the Anzac Slice that he cooked with Daddy tonight.
Addi loves to cook in his kitchen and on his plate today is a hamburger just like the ones that Mummy and Daddy had for dinner. He’s just adding the finishing touches, some sauce!!!
This is what empty looks like for Addi, he runs over to the fridge and holds his cup up for Mummy to put more water in his cup.
Addison’s typical morning looks very much like this: A coco pop stained face, book and toy in hand, walking to his beanbag in his pjs to start the day of reading and playing. (This is the face I got when I asked for a big smile! Classic!!).
So a lot of my facebook friends are doing the “June Photo a Day” so I thought I would do the Addi version of it on the blog instead. This is what you have to do: Over the next month I will attempt to post a photo for each of the Read More ...