It might be Mummy’s bag but it may as well be Addi’s! It contains everything from nappies, baby wipes, spoons, bibs to Addi’s very own snack supply!!
It might be Mummy’s bag but it may as well be Addi’s! It contains everything from nappies, baby wipes, spoons, bibs to Addi’s very own snack supply!!
Out and About in the back yard helping Daddy with important mens business!!
Addi playing with his yellow balloons that are still amazingly up since we went to the Biggest Morning Tea.
Ok so there is no photo today because I just didn’t have TIME!!! Quite appropriate I think :).
Today is a photo of a colouring in picture that Addi did over the weekend when we were at the Workshop Railway Museum (Mummy helped with a couple little bits, but it’s mostly all Addi’s artwork).
Addi will often come to me during the day demanding to have his shoes put on (funny for a kid that once refused to wear them and would burst into tears anytime I would try to put him in shoes). Today was no exception, but this time it was his Read More ...
This was very tricky as Addi has had a pretty fun weekend so far and later on we plan to do some baking with Mummy and of course yesterday we went to see the trains. Plus of course it is a long weekend! which means Daddy for three days!!! But Read More ...
I know this isn’t exactly what Your View Today would look like from Addi’s perspective, but I wanted Addi still in the photo and you get the general idea. Addi’s view today was of trains, trains and more trains!! We were at the Workshops Rail Museum in Ipswich for a family Read More ...
Ok so Mummy was slack!! Well not really, I was actually busy cooking dinner for everyone and six o’clock just past us by! So instead we have a photo taken at 7. This is Addi enjoying some Bert and Ernie on YouTube while Mummy and Daddy finish their dinner.