Addi still can’t quite reach the pedals on his little trike, but that doesn’t stop him riding it.
Addi still can’t quite reach the pedals on his little trike, but that doesn’t stop him riding it.
I decided it was time for Preston to have his first try of solids. So while Gran was visiting we made up some rice cereal for him to try. It went ok (much better than Addison’s first try, that’s for sure). I’m not convinced he is a fan of the Read More ...
A little while a go I entered a competition on Facebook being run by Bright Bots to name their new purple bath duck. I thought that Purble was a good name, as it reminded me of something that Addi (or a child) might say for the word purple when learning to Read More ...
While Addi played Preston chilled out in the pram at the park.
As Nana’s favourite colour was red we were all asked to wear something in this colour. I organised for the boys to both wear red suspenders (thanks to Timiney at Bumblebee Boutique for helping me with this!). Here is Preston wearing his red suspenders with Nanny at the memorial.
Here are the photos from our play date at Smileez. We now have a six month pass which I know Addison is going to love! We can go as much as we like. The last couple of times we have gone I’ve seen a huge change in Addi and his Read More ...
When Addi gets given something new, I never push it on him. He is either interested at the time or not, but I always know that he will eventually discover and explore it in his own time. This book was no exception. Gran gave it to him as a Christmas Read More ...
Making the rounds on Facebook recently has been a photo of Suri Cruise’s $24,000 cubby house!!! All I can say is look out, I’m movin’ in!!! This Grand Victorian Playhouse was her Christmas present last year from her mum. It’s a two storey house that has running water and electricity!! Thinking Read More ...
These shirts pretty much tell it how it is… Addi is such a Daddy’s boy and Prezzie is a Mummy’s boy, I’m sure that will change as they get older though. Mind you Addi is a Mummy’s boy too, but only when Daddy isn’t around lol!!
Preston wearing his I love mum onesie with his new, matching tights. He also had his cute, new oshkosh shoes on which I wish I got in the photo as he looks adorable in them! Best thing is they are easy to get on, they stay on and fit so Read More ...