Addi showing off his new surf clothes from Bumblebee BOYS Boutique.
Addi showing off his new surf clothes from Bumblebee BOYS Boutique.
In the next few weeks you will see a few photos of Addi showing off his new clothes from Bumblebee BOYS Boutique after picking up my haul of clothes the other day from my prize. Here he is in his new, little sports jacket looking 100% adorable.
As you know I just love the clothes and accessories available for boys from Bumblebee Boutique. In their most recent sale I picked up some cute bits and pieces for my boys. They have just launched their new facebook page separating their photo props business and their boy’s clothing range. Read More ...
As Prez gets older he is enjoying playtime even more and interacting with his toys and us (in particular, Addison). I can see these two are going to be the best of friends when Preston gets to that point where he can really play with Addi.
Preston would be entertained all day long just watching Addi jump on his trampoline (and truth be told Addi loves jumping, so it’s win win!!).
One of the other Mum’s at our play group managed to take this lovely photo of Preston and I dressed up as a tiger and a bunny for the play group dress up day.
Today when I came out of the shower I just stood their laughing. Addi had pulled out a baby wipe and was wiping over his trike, making it clean. I guess he thought it needed a polish!!
Today I finally got a chance to pull out my baby food maker that I received as a gift at my baby shower for Preston. I’ve been giving Preston pear in the morning and pumpkin in the afternoon, so I thought I’d try and make my own. It went well Read More ...
Just the other day Mummy was lucky enough to be randomly selected to purchase some clothing to the value of $35 for just $1 from Bumblebee Boutique!!! Here is Addi wearing one of the long sleeve shirts that we picked as part of our clothing pack. With an overwhelming amount Read More ...
Since starting solids the other day Preston seems to enjoy sitting in his high chair. I think he likes to sit up and see what’s going on around him.