Ok so apparently I’ve had it all wrong!! This is how you are supposed to sit on the caterpillar rocker.
Ok so apparently I’ve had it all wrong!! This is how you are supposed to sit on the caterpillar rocker.
Preston and Addi have some fun with their new toys after Christmas.
One of the best things about Christmas Day is playing with all the new toys that you have unwrapped and enjoying each others company. We had lots of fun with all the toys, and so did the kids!!! (we are big kids at heart).
Santa really went to town this year with the presents. When we got back from church we continued to open the goodies. Preston and Addison had a ball of a time with so many new toys!!
Preston opening the rest of his presents on Christmas Day.
They say a man’s best friend is his dog, well Addi’s is a stuffed dog named Pepper Mint (his build a bear doggie from last Christmas).
Following the boys birthday party we set up the playpen in the lounge area and made a section for Preston. Addi calls it Pressie’s play room, but it’s of course for both the boys. It just happened that with some new toys (and Lego) for Addi it was needed to Read More ...
Addi and Pressie having some fun at the water table, together for the first time.
Just a few photos of Preston playing with his toys in his room. He’s growing up! Love to see him standing more and playing.
Something that both the boys seem to love is playing with their kitchen and play food. Today we were all having icecreams and cups of tea.