There must be something super fun about washing baskets that I’m missing. Both the boys decided it would make a good place to have a cuddle and read a book together. 100% cute!
There must be something super fun about washing baskets that I’m missing. Both the boys decided it would make a good place to have a cuddle and read a book together. 100% cute!
Mummy, Addi and Preston decided to go on a road trip to visit Gran and Granddad for the weekend. Daddy was busy with lots of work so we thought it would be nice to have some company after a very lonely week with Daddy being so busy. The kids just Read More ...
Just like his brother it would seem… but perhaps a little younger, climbing into the shopping trolley and standing/sitting in it.
It’s always hard when you are trying to think of gift ideas for little ones at Easter. You don’t want to go overboard with the chocolate so we always try to give toys, books, plate sets, clothes etc, and just generally things they need instead of a lot of chocolate. Read More ...
Your typical big brother in real form, splashing water at his little brother!
I just love these photos of Preston playing with the toy doctor kit, he really looks the part.
I don’t think they could make themselves any more comfortable. After pulling the cushions off the couch and dragging them over to a convenient location right near the bookcase. They sit down to read books with each other.
For some reason, Preston always has something in his hands when he is walking around the house. Today it was one of his favourite toys, his polar bear from SeaWorld and his musical fish bowl. He’s still not overly steady on his feet, so it always amuses me when he adds to the task by carrying Read More ...
This reading Scout was actually bought for Preston, but since he’s not quite up to using him as intended (he loves just playing with him and making him talk), Addi thought he would get some use out of him. I love the fact that he is making sure that Scout Read More ...
Addi looking very cool with his toy sunnies and lollipop in his mouth.