You were having a good time today playing with your toys on the tray of the high chair. You were playing that fun ol’ game, throw the toy and watch Mummy pick it up!! This is also one of the first photos of your brand new two bottom teeth!
You were having a good time today playing with your toys on the tray of the high chair. You were playing that fun ol’ game, throw the toy and watch Mummy pick it up!! This is also one of the first photos of your brand new two bottom teeth!
There is nothing new about this or anything special for this photo to be taken today. You have been dribbling a mile for months now and today, like most, you saturated your shirt. Boy will I be glad when you have all your teeth!!!
If I had to answer the question, “who is your favourite person?” it wouldn’t be Mummy or Daddy, it would have to be your big brother Addison!! You think he is just so funny. You are always laughing at him no matter what it is that he is doing. He Read More ...
Anything that you can sink your gums into at the moment and today it was Morty Moose.
Like your brother’s photo, yours too had to be taken using my mobile phone and was horribly dark. I’ve done my best to make it reasonable but really it is a lesson to Mummy to make sure her camera is charged! I’ve been trying to encourage you to go on Read More ...
I thought it was about time that we took a photo of you sitting. It’s not exactly easy though. Although you can sit, you get so distracted with everything around you that you often fall straight over (usually because you are reaching for something).
We were running very behind schedule after a big day with Nanny so a quick snap before a late bedtime was about all we could manage today.
The entire time you had the bells I was so scared you were going to hit yourself in the head!!! You were going crazy with it, shaking it around, absolutely loving the noise you were making. I guess that’s because it was loud just like you!!
I was able to pick up this toy on clearance for you. It’s been one of those toys that I always went to buy but thought it was overpriced, so I never did. I’m just so glad that we finally have it. The look on your little face when Read More ...
I actually wasn’t sure if I should put this for you or Addi for today’s photo. It really made me giggle to look down and see that Addi had surrounded you with all your toys. You had no room to move on your play mat with the amount of toys your Read More ...