Ever since Daddy washed your hair the other day is has been so fluffy. I just loved this photo of the sun shining through your fluffy hair, poking high up in the air.
Ever since Daddy washed your hair the other day is has been so fluffy. I just loved this photo of the sun shining through your fluffy hair, poking high up in the air.
You were being so cheeky tonight when I was trying to get you ready for your bath. You kept rolling over onto your tummy (which we have been encouraging so hopefully you will crawl soon). You are really funny though, you always lay your little head down on the bed/floor Read More ...
Each and every morning this is how I find you, sometime even more sideways than this. You generally wake up around 7.00 or 7.30 am and play in your cot happily until around 8. This playing however usually includes you pulling with the mobile’s fly net and any little things Read More ...
Daddy gave you your bath tonight, getting you ready for bed and poured water over your face. Mummy doesn’t usually do this but you seemed to like it.
We were heading out to dinner tonight after a big day at the shops. I wanted to get you something new to wear and had intentions of getting you another little coveralls suit, but had a lot of trouble trying to find your size. Target were having a sale on Read More ...
Oh if only this photo was a video you would hear that precious giggle of yours. I’m so glad you are such a giggly little boy, you have the most precious smile an the most infectious laugh. I adore that sound more than any other.
Jen at play group was looking after you while I went to get your bottle ready and she thought you would look extra cute with a heart sticker on your noggen. I decided that this would make a good photo for today!
I love your intrigue with anything new. The look on your face as you discover a new toy is just wonderful and one of my favourite things. I can see that you are one smart cookie, taking everything in. Today you played with a new toy while we were having Read More ...
I just had to take this photo of you today. The little outfit that you are dressed in was something that your big brother Addi used to wear when he was your age quite often. But it just goes to show how every different you both are. The same clothes Read More ...
I just love the look on your face, you are ever so determined playing with the workbench toy. It has you so interested that you are even sitting up pretty well on your own, since you are not distracted and reaching for anything else. I’ve found that you really like Read More ...