Rather than just put a photo up of my belly I thought instead I would actually include my face for once, and put more of me in the shot. The main reason is I thought I would show you the dress I’m wearing.
I just finished shortening it only a few minutes ago! (Which is quite funny as you can’t see the bottom of the dress in the photo I took!! but it is hard enough taking a photo on my own using the timer without even trying to take a good photo).
My dear friend Eleni gave me a few clothes on the weekend that she no longer wanted thinking that they might be suitable for me to wear. She also knows that I’m struggling to fit any of my existing clothes, and with only 6 weeks to go I want to avoid buying any more maternity clothes where possible.
Eleni is a very tall girl and me being the shortie that I am, this dress fitted me but I had to take it up. So after buying some matching cotton today I have made it Lissy length :).
Over the next 6 weeks I think my belly is going to get huge! There should be some very interesting changes of the baby belly pics in the next few weeks to come. And the measurement is jumping along in leaps and bounds. Last Thursday I measured at 98cms and then by my baby shower on the Saturday I was 102 cms!! What an increase in such a short period of time. My obstetrician also says that Addi is average to large in size, so that could explain things!