Well I think the photos tell it all. My little nutcase is using his blocks trolley in ways not intended!! Mum (Nanny) assures me I never did anything like this with it when I was little!!!
Categories: Baby Accessories
Well I think the photos tell it all. My little nutcase is using his blocks trolley in ways not intended!! Mum (Nanny) assures me I never did anything like this with it when I was little!!!
Well, Melissa, He is a boy! What a happy clever little fellow he is. Thanks for the new photos – he is changing so fast. Wish I could be closer. Can’t wait to see him soon.
Love Gran.
Hey, Melissa, I don’t think I’d be getting a skate board while you live on that driveway! I can just imagine it. looks like he;’s going to be a little daredevil.
He’s gorgeous.
Love E