I’m a total sucker for the two knot beanie. I just adore them! I actually love most beanies if I’m 100% honest with you all, but the two knot really gets me every time. I can’t help but go awwwww!!
After getting the sewing bug I thought to myself “how hard can it be to make one?!” I have a couple of them in a newborn size and thought I would give it a go and make a pattern. I would have to of course increase the size, but by how much was the big question. My first attempt turned out to be far too big. In fact it was big enough for Addi, who just looked like Sadie the Cleaning Lady in it (still cute though. I’ll post that photo soon).
On my second attempt I made some size alterations (surprisingly, I found that it only needed to be made marginally bigger than the outline of the newborn beanie). They were so very simple to make, the hardest part was sewing the stretchy material. The sewing machine really wasn’t a fan of the knit fabric, but I got there eventually. I can’t believe something so easy to make sells for over $10 in the stores. If only there was a larger range of stretch knit fabric to choose from. I luckily picked up some fabrics on clearance at Spotlight (3 different ones).
Here is my first (successfully sized for Preston) two knot beanie on my little model.
It’s a bit hard to tell in the photo, but the fabric has space ships, stars and rockets on it.