You may be wondering why I have created this baby blog. The main reason for this blog was to have a keepsake and a record of my pregnancies and all the experiences that I face along the way, now and in the future.
You may also be thinking why did I make this public, well the reason was to help others that are pregnant or already a Mum. I find it easy when we all share our experiences and knowledge. As they say, a problem shared is a problem halved – and if I share it with the world that must make it disappear, right?! I always welcome comments and feedback so don’t hold back. Of course it’s not all bad…like any parent I love to share the wonderful smiles and good times from the lights of my life – my children!
I am by no means an expert on pregnancy especially since I started writing this during my first pregnancy! But by sharing my research and experiences I thought it may be of some help and comfort to others going through pregnancy and raising children as well.
It is also the perfect way to share photos and changes with my close friends and family in one central place for them to see what is happening whenever they like.
From the start of my first pregnancy you may have been following my blog, or perhaps just stumbled upon it searching for something in particular. No matter how you came across my little blog spot I hope that there is something here to help you out.
I am Melissa and you may have guessed, but I’m the Mummy! I’m a very arty, crafty type of person and have always loved making things. I love making lots of toys and decorations for my children’s rooms, which I will share with you all and even show you how to make most of them for yourselves! I am a full time, stay at home mum and am currently not working, making me a devoted house wife.It of course takes two to tango and this brings me to my husband Charles, who is a wonderful Daddy to our precious children! He is somewhat my complete opposite and is a very logical thinker, perfect to compliment my creativity. Charles is your typical IT guy and spends most of his time in front of a computer but also enjoys working around the house, in the garden and of course spending time with his family!
And last but certainly not least, the reason for the existence of this blog, our beautiful little boys Addison Charles (31 October 2010, 9.59am 8 pounds 3 ounces, 51cms long) or Addi as he gets called most of the time, and the most recent boy to join our growing family Preston Emmanuel (7 November 2012, 12.43pm 8 pounds 5.5 ounces, 50cms long)! As you can see by their birth dates, our boys are exactly 2 years and 1 week apart. Very well timed!
“I brought children into this dark world because it needed the light that only a child can bring.” ~ Liz Armbruster (I couldn’t have said it better myself)
I have been slowly working to expand my blog (in my spare time – she giggles to herself!) and have decided to include some information for those of you that may be pregnant for the first time. It will also make a great reference for those that want more information, and have been through it before but want a memory jog.
As part of being pregnant I think women have many questions about what is happening to them and their body as this little person grows inside of them, so hopefully through my own research this can clear up some of these questions!
The following pages found on this site include some of the information that I have complied as part of my own personal research while being pregnant. As I have made mention, I am not a doctor or an expert on pregnancy, just a Mum that did plenty of researched and asked a million questions when experiencing it myself.
Happy reading and congratulations to all the beautiful Mummies and Daddies expecting little ones!!
Pregnancy Baby Child is about giving back and sharing ideas that everyone can try.
This may be sharing information from my research or simply a great recipe or pattern that I love. If I can even help just one person then this website will have been worthwhile.
The free downloads available on the website includes both patterns in PDF format and recipes (mostly pages that can be printed or some in PDF format to save) for you to try for yourself. If you find something on the website that you love why not share it with friends and family too!!
The patterns are those that I have made myself, mostly of anything crafty you will find on Pregnancy Baby Child.
I can not claim the designs of the toys etc that you find here as my own (the majority anyway… some are mine) but I have made all of the patterns myself and they are original. These original patterns have been drawn up by myself and made based on inspirational photographs I have come across in my search for fun things to make for my children.
As for the recipes, these are simply ones that I have come across and cooked at some stage and think taste great! So I have compiled them for you all to try at home yourself.