Today we had our NT Scan for baby Squiggle (the combined test that checks for Downs and other birth abnormalities). It is also the first official ultrasound for baby Squiggle.
The test results of the NT Scan were really positive. Our EDD by the ultrasound is 8th November which puts the gestational age at 12 weeks and 4 days (my original due date is 9th November, so not far off). Squiggle’s heart rate was 158bpm. The crown to rump length was 62.4 mm and the Nuchal translucency (NT – fluid behind the babies neck) was 1.28 mm, which is all within normal limits.
Turns out squiggle is a squiggler, moving about heaps while they were trying to get the measurements (I guess we picked the perfect name). He/she is also very stubborn and when Squiggle had found their perfect resting place, refused to move which made getting the NT measurement a little bit tricky.
Squiggle has a very similar profile to Addison but I could see slight differences in the images taken today with those of Addi during our NT Scan for Addi. Squiggle also likes to hide, you will see in the ultrasound images that he/she likes to put his/her arm near their face, such a little cutie!!