To say this is one of the most detailed parties I’ve ever done would not be an exaggeration. Despite having help with the preparation of the games (my bestie Deena decided that she would do this part of my baby shower as a surprise for me). She was also helping me out with some of the food prep, along with my mum (who is always a trooper in this department). It sure does make life a little simpler when you have help! I’m really not used to this, but boy it makes a difference!! As you should all know by now, I love to party plan. It would have to be one of my all time favourite pastimes. I guess I really get to unleash my inner creative junkie in doing so.
After enjoying my last baby shower while pregnant with Preston I decided to do much the same, a very small gathering with my closest friends and family. I loved the high tea food that we prepared last time also, so this was the plan again. Might I just add, the reason I have a baby shower for each pregnancy has absolutely nothing to do with the gifts. I believe in celebrating each and every pregnancy as every child is a precious gift to be celebrated. I adore pregnancy and everything about it. Growing a human has to be one of the most amazing things that a woman can do and in saying that I believe it should be celebrated. My husband would simply say “any excuse to have a party” – ha! he knows me so well. But seriously, it is such a special time before the baby comes to have some time to yourself. It is kid free time with your close friends and family, time to enjoy the pregnancy and be pampered before the arrival of the baby (even if it is only a few hours). It’s one of those argued over topics and etiquette regarding subsequent baby showers. I never expect gifts at any baby shower, but you try stopping people from buying things for tiny humans! It’s impossible even if you tell them no gifts!
Ok, back to the baby shower. After some discussion with Deena, we decided that since I have a love for Alice in Wonderland and the whimsy of everything Alice related that we would make it a Mad Hatter’s High Tea/Alice in Wonderland themed baby shower. Focusing on an indoor garden party, with high tea food and desserts. We began planning colour themes, decorations and foods. I was very egger of course, so I got straight into the designing of the invitation (I’ll make a separate post to show you these).
Enough of all the planning, here are the photos from my lovely day, my baby shower for Jasper.