I thought I would share with you a couple of photos to show you exactly what I have to put up with when I try to do pretty much any sewing task. Actually, it’s not just sewing it can be a multitude of things, even writing this blog can become quite difficult some days due to “the Menace” aka Fuzzie our cat.
The terry towel nappy liners that I was working on over the weekend, I have just finished the last of them today. I’m hoping that they will help to save the condition of my modern cloth nappies a little more by using them on the inside. With any luck it may also mean less changes of the actual nappy casing and just a liner change instead.
I have simply used old terry towel flat nappies, cut two pieces of the terry towel out using the existing liners that come with the modern cloth nappy as a pattern/guide and used my sewing machine to over-stitch the outside of each liner. I would have loved an over locker to do this but unfortunately I haven’t got one! so I made do with the sewing machine instead.