This year we decided it was time to replace our faded pink Christmas tree with a new, larger and more traditional one for the boys. It just turned out that this weekend a few stores were having a huge sale on Christmas trees and decorations which was perfect timing to get our new tree! After finding out that the tree we wanted was sold out at all of our local stores we went on a road trip to pick up our tree.
We also decided to get the boys a train set to go around the Christmas tree since Addison just loves trains. We thought it might make it very special for him since this year he has a much better understanding of what it’s all about.
The main issue once we finally got the tree was how on earth we were going to fit it in the car to get it home! Eventually we decided the only way that it was going to happen was to take it out of the box and fit it in the best we could. Thankfully this plan worked and we made it home. It wasn’t exactly the most comfortable drive home, but we had our brand new tree and that’s all that mattered.
Addi just loved the train once it was all set up and we couldn’t help but smile at his excitement. After such a long day driving around to various shops we didn’t get the tree completely decorated, but tomorrow is another day and it would get done then…but for now it’s bed time!