After our week away we were due for a doctors appointment as we would have normally seen our obstetrician last week. So off we went to have our regular check up, from now on these appointments are going to seem very close together seeing as we will be going every two weeks.
After a quick ultrasound we could see that Addison was still in the correct position where he should now remain until term (this is of course head down). He still moves around quite a bit from side to side, mostly with his bottom on my left side and feet tucked up on the right side of my tummy.
With still plenty of room to move I feel him very frequently, especially while I’m resting. Apparently later on in pregnancy his movements will become less as space starts to minimise. At about 35 or 36 weeks of pregnancy he will begin to descend further down in preparation for birth.
While at the obstetrician appointment I asked for a copy of all my past visits and blood pressure results, which he kindly printed out for me. I’ve been keeping a record of all this information in both my Baby Chronicles (record of my pregnancy with Addi and all of his “firsts”) plus in a small record book I was given by the midwife on my first visit to Pindara Place.
I keep every piece of information that I’m given all in one bag so if I do happen to have any problems or go into labour, Charles knows exactly where to find the record of my pregnancy history. Not long now and I will be packing my bags ready for the hospital as I could go into labour from any time now.