Off to the doctor went Addi and Mummy for the 33 week check up. Usually Daddy comes too, but we could only get a morning appointment and Daddy has meetings on all day. But that’s ok, he does his best to get to them when he can. Work is very busy for him and we do what we can to work around it.
Everything is looking well with Squiggle. He is still head down and mostly kicking on my right side with his back to the left. My fundal height measurement is 33 cms which is right on track for my weeks into the pregnancy. It is going to be a very busy time over the next few weeks, but I’m loving every minute.
I do feel quite uncomfortable sometimes as Squiggle is growing and getting less and less room to move but I know that it won’t be for much longer and we will get to meet our new little man!
Our next appointment with our OB, Dr Bopp will be in 2 weeks time. From then it will be every week until the birth. I also plan to get my hospital bag all packed and ready at week 35, just in case.