A video of Addison learning to use the pedals on his little trike. (Taken on 3 Jan 2014).
A video of Addison learning to use the pedals on his little trike. (Taken on 3 Jan 2014).
Another video I came across is this one of Preston learning to walk and finding his feet.
An old video I found of Preston learning to walk and using his trolley walker.
I’ve found some videos of Addi and Preston that I thought I would share with you. This one is Addi telling Daddy about the wriggle snake.
One of the hardest tasks is to take photos of my boys together. They rarely sit still for long enough, and generally not close enough to get a decent photo. Somehow I managed to get some today!
With Daddy home it means walks to the park for plenty of fun. The boys just love going to the park and Preston is getting particularly good at using the equipment on his own. He is a fan of the swings, however Addi prefers the slide. I think Pressie will Read More ...
About the only way to get these two to sit still long enough for a photo is for them to be having a cuddle. Or perhaps in this case, Addi giving his brother a bear hug.
We have had a very busy day, but it’s not over yet. It’s time to do some baking! Some yummy cupcakes. Mummy has her little helper in the kitchen.
Preston is such a little cutie, still having fun with the water table even though it had no water. Same goes for the water pistol.