Just a few quick photos I took of the boys playing at home.
Just a few quick photos I took of the boys playing at home.
I just love these photos of Preston playing with the toy doctor kit, he really looks the part.
What visit to the park wouldn’t be complete without some playtime in the playground. Here are the boys having some fun at the park. It’s nice as Preston gets older he is starting to do more on his own and really enjoy it all.
Preston having a swing at the park playground.
Something the kids just love to do is feed the ducks. Now that Preston is getting a little older, I think this is something he will love even more, just like Addi. Today we went to one of our favourite duck feeding parks, for some family fun.
I don’t think they could make themselves any more comfortable. After pulling the cushions off the couch and dragging them over to a convenient location right near the bookcase. They sit down to read books with each other.
Preston has to be one of the most emotional kids I’ve ever seen. One minute he will be smiling and giggling the next he can be crying and upset. He always tells you exactly how he is feeling and if something is wrong. Right now he is all smiles My Read More ...
For some reason, Preston always has something in his hands when he is walking around the house. Today it was one of his favourite toys, his polar bear from SeaWorld and his musical fish bowl. He’s still not overly steady on his feet, so it always amuses me when he adds to the task by carrying Read More ...
How adorable is his little face, growing up every day. Preston is now 15 months old.