It was time for bed and for Nanny and Poppy to head home, but not before some big birthday cuddles and kisses.
It was time for bed and for Nanny and Poppy to head home, but not before some big birthday cuddles and kisses.
New toys are more interesting than poor ol’ Mum who just wanted to get a photo with Addi on his 2nd birthday. Here is Addi enjoying his new toys and Mummy trying to have a photo with her busy little boy.
It would seem that not every kid likes to blow out the candles on their birthday cake…some are actually scared of them. Admittedly there were quite a number of them on the cake spelling out Happy Birthday, so I can see how all those flames could be daunting! Nevertheless we Read More ...
After many baking issues the previous day this is the end result of the cake Mummy made for Addison’s second birthday. I still wasn’t entirely happy with it, but we managed to salvage a cake to celebrate with and that’s the main thing. Thankfully it wasn’t being made for a Read More ...
As soon as Daddy arrived home we decided that we better get stuck in and open some of Addison’s second birthday presents before we ordered his birthday dinner of fish and chips (one of Addi’s favourites…mostly the fish, as he unlike every other child isn’t much of a fan of Read More ...
Today as a special outing for Addison on his second birthday we decided to take him to the Robina shopping center to build a bear for his birthday. It’s not something that you would do often as it can be quite costly depending on what extra accessories you pick for Read More ...
As usual I tried to take my annual photo of Addi at the time of his birth (9.59 am) on his birthday. Last year I was lucky enough to get a really lovely picture of him at this exact time (going by the time stamp on my camera). This year Read More ...
I have no idea where the last two years have gone but boy oh boy did this year go fast! It seems like only recently that we were planning and celebrating his first birthday and now he is two already. I suppose that we just keep so busy that time Read More ...