Over the last couple of weeks we have started some renovations to our master bedroom. On the weekend to give Charles a helping hand my parents came for a visit. While the men got to work demolishing our old bedroom ceiling ready for a new one to be put in next weekend, mum and I got to work on her owl for the baby’s mobile.
This owl will be the last (I think) that needs to be made, they will then be ready to attach to the mosquito net for above the cot. It was hard trying to pick colours for this new owl, however we eventually decided since we were lacking yellow/orange, that should be our choice! Since this is the last owl we need to make the mobile, I shall briefly explain the process of making one of these cute little birds. But before I get into that, here is my mum’s finished owl!!
I really like this one, it’s very cute with the eyes watching the little ladybug button on its head and kisses on its belly.
Although all the step by step directions for making one of these owls are on the free PDF download Owl Mobile Pattern I’ll go through how to do it here. They are very simple to make, you should start by gathering your materials.
What you will need is felt in the colours of your choice (by looking at the pictures of the owls we made for Jellybean’s mobile you will get an idea of how many colours work well together), embroidery thread in matching colours (I tried to keep this simple by mostly using white, however I did match the nose colour), needle (make sure the eye is large enough to thread the embroidery thread easily), sewing scissors (to cut the felt), pins (to hold everything in place), toy filling (to stuff the owls body – an old pillows stuffing is a great alternative to save some money), and novelty buttons (these are optional but look great and add a little flare to each owl).
Start by cutting out all the pieces in the colour felt that you have selected from the My First Baby Lissylane Designer Pattern found on this website. You will need two of everything that is marked (cut two). To make it easier to cut you can either fold the felt and cut both at the same time or if you are not as confident just cut them individually. Next using blanket stitch use your embroidery thread to sew the two owl body felt pieces together around the outside. I find it best to start just above where the right wing will be positioned (I leave this til last and use this spot to fill the owl with toy stuffing). As you sew around the outside of the owl be sure to insert the wings into position as required. Remember to stop before getting right to the end to stuff the owl using the toy filling. Finish the stitching off and secure your thread. You now have a finished owl body that you can decorate with the remaining pieces.
Now continue to sew the remaining felt parts in place, starting with the belly. Then sew the outside of the eye and the inside of the eye at the same time once again using blanket stitch. Pins will help to hold these in place while you sew. Make sure that you sew through both of the felt pieces and into the owls body to attach securely. Finish by sewing the pupils of the eyes. Do this so you show no stitching by catching the felt part way through on the underside using your needle. Try experimenting by making the owl look in different directions by changing the position of the pupils. If you prefer stitch some eyes to make the owl look asleep as we did with one of the owls made for Jellybean’s mobile. Lastly sew the nose in place by simply stitching around the outside.
Additional stitching such as “ZZZ” or “XOX” or “XXX” can be added to the belly area if preferred. Novelty buttons are a great way to make your owl an individual and give them personality. Why not think of some other things to make your owls cute and different, perhaps a bow on the head made from ribbon?
I am in love with your owl mobile idea and want to make one of my own. Can you please email me the pattern so I can make one of my own?
Thanks grealty
Emailed to you just then Victoria, still working out how to upload the pdf for download. As soon as I do it will be available for everyone
Good luck with your owls!!
Ok, the felt owl mobile pattern is now available to save or print by clicking the link in the above post. Please note it is a pdf so you will require adobe reader to view it.
Thank you heaps for uploading the owl pattern, it’s so cute! Though I don’t need it right now I know when the time comes I’m definitely going to make one
Glad to help Ashleigh!! thanks for your lovely comment
[…] For those that might not have been following my owl making process, the mosquito net is from Ikea which I purchased for $30 and the owls are made and attached to the top. The owls have been made by both myself, husband and our mums. For those of you that are interested in making your own owls, you can check out the directions and pattern here on my website: http://www.pregnancybabychild.com/arts-crafts/felt-owl-mobile-pattern/ […]
thank you lots, I must comment that your website is amazing!
We were doing a search about this subject, and happened to come across this website. I am impressed by the blog. I am going to invest some time looking around, and will surely be bookmarking this one. You do have a excellent way with words, and you also opted for good structure to match the site. Carry on the great job as you have turned me into a frequent reader.
Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. thank u
Thanks very much, still a working progress however it is soon to have lots of informative pages too!
Glad I could help and hopefully you will find some helpful info in the future.
The pattern is very user friendly, if you have any trouble feel free to ask questions, I’m here to help!
It’s posts like this that keep me coming back and checking this site regularly, thanks for the info!
i love the owls i want to make my baby a mobile and would love the pattern could you please email them to me thankyou so much
Hi Keryn,
I’m glad you like the owls, all my patterns are available on the website. Here is the link for the owls: http://www.pregnancybabychild.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Owl-Mobile-Pattern.pdf
All of my patterns can be found here (left menu, “free downloads,” “patterns” – right down the bottom): http://www.pregnancybabychild.com/about/free-downloads/patterns/
I’ll also send you an email
Cheers, Melissa
Love this!!! I’m not good with sewing… What’s blanket stitching? Also do u have a pic of the finished product?
Hi Joanne!! Firstly thank you for your comment!! Here is the finished product http://www.pregnancybabychild.com/arts-crafts/felt-owl-mobile-hung-in-place/ also if you search felt owl in the search box up the top you will find other pics on the blog of these cute little owls. Here is a guide I found online that explains blanket stitch. I would try to explain it but it is easier when you can see photos of how to do it: http://sewing.about.com/od/beginner1/ss/blanketstitch.htm
Is it possible to stick the parts together with felt glue instead of stitching them?Will they stay?
Hi there, I can’t see why glue wouldn’t work, especially if you get the right craft/fabric glue. It will make the edge stiff though. I have never tried just using glue, as the stitching is part of the decoration. It would be just trial and error. Good luck!!